

Reach the enemies haven with one of your units


Game Background

I briefly made this game as a final project of a game design class, it is meant to mimic a game that could be played on a game board/tabletop.

Admittedly, the design is quite simple, but I figured I would throw it up here if anyone wanted to give it a look. I have declined payment options for this because of its origin as a school project, and also because I do not own the 2D UI assets that were implemented throughout the game, having accumulated them simply through google images.

I worked alongside 3 others when making this project, my role was Lead Designer/Producer and Software Developer. Though, I had the pleasure of working with:

Lys Bump, 3d Modeler (created the tiles scene in game)

Lizzie Parvin, UX Designer (wireframed UI Models and obtained CC font)

Jacob Tolonen, Score Composer (produced musical score in game background)

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